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Market Commentary

The Stock Market JOLTS

By Charles Payne, CEO & Principal Analyst
6/4/2024 12:53 PM

The market is now marking time ahead of the jobs report, which looms larger after the JOLTs report this morning.

At 8.06 million, it is below consensus of 8.40 million.

Interestingly, the market is not getting the lift from lower bond yields. 

There is a sense we are entering into a period of bad news being...bad news. 

Meanwhile, there are tons of oversold names outside the hot tech area, but we are looking for terra firma before becoming aggressive. 

CP - i was reminded of a verse in the Bible- Matt. 24:37, when you said "the rich were living wild & frivolously" ... thus will be the return of Jesus... as in the days of Noah!
Start building the Boat... we shall go the way of Rome with our disgusting moral behavior!!! See u in heaven one day... cause i know ur going too!

Marvin on 6/4/2024 3:25:33 PM

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