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Payne's Perspective: March 3, 2025: Mood Swings & Your Portfolio

By Charles Payne CEO & Principal Analyst

Searching for images of mood rings, I came across this interesting article that questioned whether they were the forerunner or “gateway drug " into the current era of self-obsession.

The piece explains the whirlwind adoption of mood rings, with 40 million sold in the first three months of 1975.

There is still debate over the actual creators, but much credit goes to Joshua Reynolds, who was stuck in a stressful Wall Street job when he began studying biofeedback.

He and a friend devised the ring to allow wearers to gauge their emotions and help them mediate and control their anxieties.

Of course, mood rings also let those around us know what we feel inside and perhaps adjust to fit our needs, like pouring your soul out on Facebook and hoping your friends will support you. 

The stock market is also influenced by moods on a short-term basis. However, these moods are not appeased or comforted but help create a feedback loop that aids manipulators.

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Charles Payne
Wall Street Strategies


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